Saturday, July 27


Square Root Curve Calculator

Square Root Curve Calculator

A Square root curve which is also known as the texas curve is used to benefit the student that scores less as compared to the student who scores more marks. So basically this formula is used to help low scorers. The square root curve calculator will convert student grade percentage to Square root curve grade by just entering the percentage: Square Root Curve Calculator Formula The formula to find the Square root curve is quite simple as you just need to enter the student grade percent and boom it will show the student curve grade immediately. SRG=SQRT(G)∗10 SRG= Student Root Curve Grade SQRT= Square Root G= G Stands for Student Grade Percentage Lastly, we have to multiply it by *10 Square Root Curve Grading A square root curve is often used to r...
Inches Per Second Calculator | How to Calculate it?

Inches Per Second Calculator | How to Calculate it?

Calculate Inches per Second by entering the following variable values: D= Amount of distance traveled T= Total amount of time Formaula used for calculation: IPS=D/T/60  How to Calculate inches per second Complete Flow: Determine the total distance travel value Then find the total time Add values to the IPS forumal which is IPS=D/T/60 Once you get these values just simplly divide D/T and then you have to divide it with 60 to get the IPS value You can verify your answers by simply adding the values to Inches per second calculator. Inches Per Second Calculator