Tuesday, July 2

12 Netflix Hacks to Get the Most Out of Your Netflix

Netflix is a great way to watch movies and TV shows, but did you know that there are Netflix hacks that you aren’t using? These hacks can make your Netflix experience even better! In this blog post, we will discuss 23 Netflix hacks that you should be using. So whether you are a Netflix newbie or an experienced user, these hacks will help you get the most out of Netflix!

Netflix Hack #1: Use Netflix’s “My List” Feature

One of the best Netflix hacks is to use the “My List” feature. This feature allows you to keep track of all the movies and TV shows that you want to watch. To add a show or movie to your list, simply click on the +Add to My List button. Once you have added something to your list, it will be easy to find and watch later.

Netflix Hack #2: Get Rid of Recommendations You Don’t Like

If you are tired of seeing recommendations for shows or movies that you don’t like, there is a way to get rid of them. To do this, simply hover over the show or movie that you don’t like and click on the X. This will remove the recommendation from your Netflix account.

Netflix Hack #3: Browse Netflix Without an Account

Did you know that you can browse Netflix without even having an account? To do this, simply go to Netflix’s website and click on the “Browse” button. From there, you will be able to browse Netflix’s library of movies and TV shows. This is a great way to see what Netflix has to offer before you even sign up for an account!

Netflix Hack #4: Use Netflix’s “Secret Menu”

Did you know that Netflix has a secret menu? To access Netflix’s secret menu, simply press the following keys on your keyboard: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up. This will take you to Netflix’s secret menu. From there, you can browse a variety of different options that are not available from Netflix’s main menu.

Netflix Hack #5: Get Better Netflix Recommendations

If you want to get better Netflix recommendations, there are a few things that you can do. First, make sure that you rate the shows and movies that you watch. Netflix uses these ratings to provide better recommendations for you. You can also add shows and movies to your “My List” so that Netflix knows what you like to watch.

Netflix Hack #6: Use Netflix’s “Continue Watching” Feature

If you have started watching a show or movie but haven’t finished it, Netflix has a great feature that allows you to continue watching where you left off. To do this, simply click on the “Continue Watching” button. This will take you to the last episode or movie that you were watching. Netflix

Hack #7: Use Netflix’s “Download” Feature

Did you know that you can download Netflix shows and movies to watch offline? This is a great feature for when you are traveling or don’t have an internet connection. To download a show or movie, simply click on the “Download” button. Once the download is complete, you can watch the show or movie offline.

Netflix Hack #8: Get Netflix for Free

If you are a student, you can get Netflix for free! All you need to do is sign up for a Netflix account using your .edu email address. Once you have done this, you will be able to get Netflix for free for four years!

Netflix Hack #9: Use Netflix’s “Kids” Section

If you have kids, you can use Netflix’s “Kids” section to find shows and movies that are appropriate for them. To access the “Kids” section, simply click on the “Browse” button and then select “Kids.” This will show you a list of movies and TV shows that are suitable for kids. Netflix

Hack #10: Use Netflix’s “Watch Now” Feature

If you want to watch a movie or TV show right away, you can use Netflix’s “Watch Now” feature. To do this, simply hover over the show or movie that you want to watch and click on the “Watch Now” button. This will start playing the show or movie immediately.

Netflix Hack #11: Use Netflix’s “Search” Feature

If you are looking for a specific movie or TV show, you can use Netflix’s “Search” feature. To do this, simply go to Netflix’s website and click on the “Search” button. From there, you can search for a specific movie or TV show.

Netflix Hack #12: Use Netflix’s “Shuffle Play” Feature

If you want to watch a random movie or TV show, you can use Netflix’s “Shuffle Play” feature. To do this, simply hover over the show or movie that you want to watch and click on the “Shuffle Play” button. This will start playing a random episode or movie from the show or series. Netflix

Netflix has a variety of features that many people don’t know about or aren’t using to their full potential.  These Netflix hacks can improve your streaming experience and save you time. Have you tried any of these Netflix hacks? If not, be sure to give them a try and see how they work for you. You may be surprised at just how much easier your life can become with a little bit of extra organization!